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Where can I find school lunch menu's?You can find menu's, make payments and more via this site: School Nutrition
Where can I find the calender for the 2020-2021 school year?Calender
What supplies are needed in Pre-K?Lysol Wipes Pull Ups and Baby Wipes(if you child is not potty trained) Liquid Glue bottles Colored Cardstock Paper 1 WHITE 2’’ Binder with clear pocket on front 1 Box of Crayola Crayons 1 Pencil box Playdoh 1 Sweet Snack 1 Salty Snack
Does my child need a backpack?Please send in a backpack daily. It should be large enough to fit a full size pocket folder, change of clothes, and sippy cup/water bottle. Please check the back pack daily.
What is the attendance policy?Attendance: Attendance is important. Please be on time. If absent, please send an email or a note in folder when they return. If your child is not feeling well or has a temperature please keep them home.
Can my child ride the bus?Bus services are available to all pre-school students. If your child is currently a car rider and you would like bus services please let us know. *Please know it can take up to two weeks to start.
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